Thursday 25 October 2012

wisdom of judgements

Dear Qur,
ONE chance in life.
don't be silly.

life is too short to worry too much.


you are not the most important person in the world, at least not to others.
people don’t actually care for the thing you are worrying about.
Do you judge every single person that you meet?
Probably not.

if you do, you might want to sort out that side of your life, s there's no wonder you care what people think of you.

the best way to test this is to push your limits a little, do something that is a bit out of the ordinary for you and see how people react.
- i've done this by wearning ninja.

chances are that only your "friends" might notice the change and make comments. but a random strager won't really care!!

 You only get ONE chance at life and you are going to allow other people’s thoughts make it less enjoyable? Sounds silly now, doesn’t it.

people's feelings change.
people change their minds.
what they judge you on now, might NOT matter in the future.
but what Allah judge you now is the REAL MATTER.

are you going to wait until something is deemed cool and cold?  or acceptable to be the person you wanna be?

be confident! have faith!
life can be not as you planned but it will be as what it meant to be.

be confident and have faith in the decisions that and actions that you takes.

 wear the values those with pride and confidence. stop waiting or thinking other people's approval!

how people view you as individual is not that important as how Allah will view you as His servant and slave.

let alone, if you are the 'future leader', or future troublemaker or whatsoever people seems want to label or call you with any labels that they have, "you are not the most important person in the world, at least not to others".

a mind roller coaster is when the emotions come to interfere, menyibok and menggedik.

note to this,
- be conscious of the emoti0ns inside you i.e fear/ worry/lost
- observe within your mind
- if you observe, it can't be part of you
- watch how the emotion disappear
- as soon as you observe, it will no longer exist.

be conscious and aware, re-analyze using the brain provided, use your  brain and little heart whether to keep the strong emotions inside or etting go and get in control.

accept yourself for who you are.
you can't be somebody else.

self-limiting beliefs or society has made you think there is something wrong with you.

it is not easy, yes it is hard, but that is the struggle. begin yourself with the end in mind.

1. write down things you hate about yourself.
2. is it possible to change them?
3. look what could be worse?
4. you are not perfect and we are all living in imperfect world. the only perfect is heaven and hell.

heaven and hell is not here, it is in other world call, heareafter.

if you want to reach and achieve perfection, let's die now. and you will be in the world of perfection.

accepting yourself and the reality is not the easiest thing to do but there always solutions for every problems in the world.

there always answers for every questions that you have.

or else, God won't give you a brain, mind, heart and soul. God won't give you words, books paper and pen.

It might be not as you desire.
Everything is temporary here.
Nothing is everlasting.

if you constantly look towards helping yourself or looking to change yourself, can never accept you as a you.

Everyone needs to change.
Indeed. we need to change.

The word change is so broad. Where no one could define it in a single word. That shows nothing is definite.

Good or evil. It is a mystery.
But the wisdom is there.
From Him to come.

as time goes by and you realize how unimportant the things you thought were actually are.

things will get easier. just keep going.

some people say that what others think about you is a result of what you think about yourself.

if you are confident, there will merits a positive reaction.
if you have low confidence, there will mertis a negative reaction.

will people really care what you think?
what you think is important might not be important to them at all.

what they think is improtant might be no important to you at all.

the rule of thumb, where is Allah in every of your thoughts?

nothing you do is stupid. so stop the depressing mood and torturing yourself.

the things you do can be amazing to someo people but not to some other people. that is life. that is the truth.

can that be amazing to Allah?
Allah looks at the state of your heart.

so let's redefine and revisit what it is in your heart.

since all that matters, is what it is from your heart.

if Allah in your heart,
where is the love?

9 Zulhijjah 1433H.
Abrar Baytuna

wisdoms from the gamers

from dota - the future billionaire

relearning yourself.
don't think you know yourself.
trials and turbulences
for you to questions yourself

1) acknowledge your problems, issues
dig yourself.
look at the past
analyze why

if you were to hve the second chance,
what would you do to fix it?

this is not giving direct solutions but more to wisdoms.

you make mistakes,
that itself a blessing.

there's a bigger picture in making mistakes
great leaders like roosevelt, ralph larsen (CEO johnson and johnson)

you will do what's written.

the point is did you learnt from the mistakes you make?

did you reflect upon what you did and make the best out of it?

they literally embrace mistakes.

talk about reflection or ibrah.
reflection ada dua

failure or success.
revisit both.

reflect on your failure.
reflect on your success.

for failure,
kita fikir cara camne tak buat lagi?

for success,
fikir cara macamana nak improve lagi elok?

don't let emotions takes control.
especially in dealing with people.

that's the reality.
live in reality not fantasy.

the context of emotion is so complicated.
not everything we can face with professionalism.

but emotions mmg will take its toll.

if its wrong. takde hal.
learn and make use of it.

that is just life and trials.

the lower it wants to take you down,
the more you need to rise and take the chllenge

muslims are meant for bigger things.
have discrete goals in life

because one day
bila tengok balik masalah-masalah ni,
rasa macam tak boleh keluar je
tengok2 Allah bagi jugak jalan.

yes, it is a problem.
yes, it hurts so bad,

no matter how hard the current problem is,
think about the final goal. your bigger goal

and that goal,
you have to determine what you wanna do

bila kita kita hadapi masalah,
SERIOUSLY, 'take advantage' for that problems.

korek semua wisdom.

nanti, bila dah sampai future,
baru kita faham,
laa patut laa Allah uji aku macam tu

That is confirm, insha Allah.
Yes, it is hard to connect the dots.
No trials are meant for nothing.

so Insha Allah.
don't back down yet.

You are a muslim. Remember that!

limit dia sebelum aku jadi gila
come on
we've went through hell
u of t kot

in term of goal
don't stop at 1 million as target

business lg l
people won't play nice with you

so skrg ni ain
ko nak buat apa lepas grad?

and you are trying to maintain your islamic values in you

if there is any specific things that you aim,
problem ko yang lain ni, hanyalah masalah semata-mata.

because you are too busy minding something bigger!

and the scope of your problem, is not small!
6k kot. gile ape.

and it's a lesson.
kalau ko ada bigger specific goals,
ko akan utilize benda ni for the future

these things akan membuatkan ko buat decision makin dengan lebih matang

from sifooparadox  - the future  business leader

ko agresif sgt, slow down skit

aku just rasa dgn ko update mcm kat facebook, if impian ko utk tarbiyah, people might lose faith on you, klu ko nk luahkan perasaan, it is not the best place, klu ko nk jadi artis, well step kne ubah skit.

rse ko unique
believe me sume org rse dorg unique gak

term yg menarik lagi ialah you are special
dari 4 tahun lepas lagi aku rse aku tgk ko ni takde kawan, ko dah ada kawan blom ni?
thats why aku sbut
sbb efek takde kawan: ko nk meluahkan perasaan kat dunia

find real person.

Yes, I will never understand, but I guess I am one of the best to understand. antara sbb aku tny2 ko ni, because aku care about capabilities yg ko ade. and aku xnk benda tu sia2 je. ko ade impian, ko ade big hope, i just dont want to waste what the world can benefit from you. klu ko rse ko da tak mau teruskan impian ko slama ni, ok aku bleh just senyap, aku xperlu fikir da

we just don't want to lose one important person for future world
aku just harap ko buat something
and the first thing aku rse ko stop posting kt facebook
aku tau ade benda susah. klu tak aku pun tak fail

aku pernah je bagi alasan
smpai aku sendiri terdiam
meyh aku cter
aku nye mata rabun sejak skola rendah agi
tp aku tak penah nk pkai spek
mak bapak aku suh
aku xmo
sepanjang skolah menengah
aku xnmpak langsung apa ade kat papan hitam/putih
aku just study sendiri je ble balek
tp result aku cam gampang gempak la
then ble form 4 form 5
aku ade bgtau sorg kawan baik aku
aku time tu mcm down skit la
aku xingt sbb apa
then aku cerita kat dia gak la
knape ade stgh subjek tuh mmg aku xleh nk score
bcoz aku xnk pkai spek
and subjek tu mmg kne fokus dlm kelas la

at the end
aku discover yg dia pun sama cam aku
dia gtau aku
sume tu alasan je
kdg2 otak kita obses ngn alasan
so cmtula

i'm sorry klu rse terlebih. aku just nk send message je. nothing more k. all the best